how to remove the horizontal lines of a table in Microsoft Word

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I am going to learn how to remove the horizontal lines of a table in Microsoft Word.

To remove the horizontal lines, we first move the mouse over the table.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

And then this 4 fold arrow will appear in the top left corner.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how to remove the horizontal lines of a table in Microsoft Word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

Now we click on this arrow to select the whole table.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

Then we go to the table tools and there to the design tab, now we click on the drop down menu Where it says "borders".文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how to remove the horizontal lines of a table in Microsoft Word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

and now we simply deselect the option "inside horizontal border"文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how to remove the horizontal lines of a table in Microsoft Word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

If you also want to remove the outer borders, you simply have to deselect the "outside borders"文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how to remove the horizontal lines of a table in Microsoft Word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

And that's it




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
