how to make the documents seem longer in Microsoft Word

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I am going to learn how to select all periods in Word, and instantly change their size to make the documents seem longer.

As you can see in the bottom left corner our document is  6 pages long文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how to make the documents seem longer in Microsoft Word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

So now let's change the font size of all periods, for that go to the home tab, to the editing section and click on replace.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

Alternatively, you can also press the keyboard shortcut “CTRL + H”.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how to make the documents seem longer in Microsoft Word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

In the first line type in the character that you are searching for, in our case this would be the period.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

In the second line type in the replacing character, since we only want to change the format of the period,文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

The character itself does not change.  And we again type in the period文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

To now change the format, we need to click on more, then on format and then on font.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

Then you can choose another font size.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how to make the documents seem longer in Microsoft Word

Click ok and then click on replace all, then close the window.

how to make the documents seem longer in Microsoft Word

And afterwards refreshes the number of pages again, you can see that the document is now 7 pages long

how to make the documents seem longer in Microsoft Word

This is 1 pages more than before

And that's it




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