how to remove comments in Microsoft word

admin ExcelComments513Read

I am going to learn how to remove comments in Word and I am also going to learn how to keep the comments but only hide them.

Delete a single comment

If you want to remove only a single comment, click on the comment you want to delete, go to the “review” tab and in the section “comments” click on delete.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how  to remove comments in Microsoft word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

also you can right-click at the comment, then you can click on "delete comment"文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how  to remove comments in Microsoft word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

Delete multiple comments

If  you have multiple comments and  you want to remove all the comments at once, click on the dropdown arrow under the delete button and then click on “delete all comments in document”.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how  to remove comments in Microsoft word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

Only Hide the comments

If  you don’t want to delete the comments but rather hide them, then go to the section called “tracking” and in the dropdown menu choose “original”.文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

how  to remove comments in Microsoft word文章源自LuckYou.ORG-

And that’s it.文章源自LuckYou.ORG- 文章源自LuckYou.ORG-




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